Social Media Content is becoming increasingly important

Content created by social media users is often referred to as influencer content, user content or "user-generated content". All of these often mean the same thing, but there is a further distinction in the exact definition. "User Generated Content" is the generic term and means all content created by social media users, i.e. photo, video and audio material. User content and influencer content actually only differ in the number of followers of the content creator. Influencer content refers to content from larger accounts and personalities who have a following online. User content can also be from "normal" social media users and fans who do not have a large number of followers. In most cases, the content of influencers and conventional users differs in quality. Influencers manage to deliver very high quality content and authentically incorporate a product or brand into it. They have masses of fans online for a reason, and have to provide them with high-quality content in order to attract new followers and retain the existing ones. Conventional user content is usually of poorer quality, but can also be of good quality in exceptional cases. For reviews or similar, user content can be authentic and useful even with poorer quality.
Social Media Content
Productpage Content
The content created by influencers and users is ideal for social media ads, websites, stores and product pages as well as print media and can be posted on your own social media accounts. Basically, both influencer content and the content of conventional users are usable, the quality must fit. The advantage of influencers is that they reliably deliver high-quality content and also have great reach and trust among buyers. 

Especially on the product page it is important to add further user content to the classic product images. This way, you give store visitors a picture of the product that they can grasp and understand. In this way, user content will strengthen the direct trust of buyer groups in the brand and the product, which can be decisive for a purchase.
Aufmerksamkeit erlangen durch Content auf Social Media
Content auf Social Media Platformen ausspielen
Präsenz zeigen und neue Interessenten gewinnen
Vorteile von Social Media spüren und genießen
Social Ads Content
The advantage of "user generated content" goes much further. It is perfect for successfully advertising online, especially on social media networks. Through the vivid impression a user gets of the use of the product, "User Generated Content" used as Ad ensures better clicks. Integrating user-generated content will result in a higher conversion rate, as users are more related from the start and decide to buy just by looking at the ad.

This particular type of content lines up, with organic posts on the various social media networks, as opposed to graphic ads and brand content. When advertising includes user content, it achieves more reach for the same budget. For buyer groups, the post appears organic, and is less likely to be perceived as an advertisement.

Study shows 20% better
conversion rate

A study by Ipsos Media shows that "user generated content" converts over 20% better than classic brand content. Therefore, it is extremely important to create the right content, and to use it correctly. Many have already tried using tools and AIs for the creative part of content creation. However, even the latest techniques in this area bring little success when compared to a team of experts. We work together with your brand managers to develop a content concept that fits your brand's KPIs. Based on this concept, we then work out a content plan and a strategy with each influencer for the ideal staging of product and brand, and help with the implementation.

We develop approaches that work for your target groups. We constantly optimize the content and communicate with the influencers. In this way, we find the perfect content creators for your brand and manage to produce the ideal content. The right mix of authenticity, naturalness, liveliness and the formal adaptation to CI and KPIs are responsible for the perfect content. Our team takes complete care of the content from planning to procurement. The sourcing process is always similar, no matter for which area your company wants to use the content. This can look as follows and involves the following responsible parties in the project.
User generated
Brand Content

Social Media Content
Case Study

Influencer Partner, welche tollen Content für dein Unternehmen erstellen

Influencer partner

To get enough influencers who can create high-quality and lively content, you need an Influencer Partner. The Influencer Partner takes care of finding and contacting the influencers and works out a collaboration.
Content professionell aufbereiten

Content manager

The content manager works out a content plan together with the influencer partner, which is then communicated to the Influencers. In consideration of the content plan, individually suitable content is worked out with each influencer.
Projektleitung für Social Media Content Kampagnen

Project manager

A project manager is always directly involved as project manager and takes over the communication with your company. He will provide the most important information as well as evaluations and keep track of everything.
Social media campaign with 75 testers with a total reach of over 500,000.
Project description: Achieving reach and branding can become secondary in a social media campaign when the goal is to generate as much high-quality "user-generated content" as possible. The goal is to get a lot of authentic and usable content that can then be used for other purposes. Here, influencer-generated content was even used for a TV spot for the Miamor brand and broadcast widely.
Pieces "User generated Content"
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"SKYLL GmbH has already conducted several successful social media campaigns for our brands RINTI and Miamor. We were able to generate a lot of valuable content, including content for our Miamor TV spot. The work always turns out very professional and pleasant, the communication is straightforward."

- Antonio Krahl // Leiter Marketing Finnern GmbH